Biological Dictionary

About our Site

Our site has been created for the purpose of providing unbiased information to our visitors.

Information provided here is for educational and informational purpose only. You can learn a thing or two from it, and also from a number of our science-based sister websites.

Science is very important to the future of human race. Biology is one of the key subjects to how humans appeared. It is also very politicized and riddled with propaganda and failed theories that are still heavily promoted. You as a reader need to be aware of this and approach various niches of Biology - such as the Theory of Evolution - with a true scientific eye and a grain of salt.

We don't say that Evolution doesn't exist. We just say that the theory fails on many fronts. And new - SCIENTIFIC data - suggest that things other than what current theory fails to prove.

You, the reader, are on the brink of maybe a new theory being born. Learn what is right in Biology, and you will take human race into the future. Stay with failed propaganda, and you will get stuck in our past.


Content, opinions and information published on the website is for informational use, and is opinion of our authors and not the Company or Owners. Company assumes no responsibility for User Generated Content.